peace-doveAs world leaders seek peaceful solutions to violent and unjust situations throughout the world, and as Pope Francis calls for prayer and action for peace, we offer this reflection by Sister Mary McCormick, SC:

There is a longing in the hearts of all who follow the Charity way to become the peace we yearn for. Vincent, Louise, Elizabeth Ann lived lives of amazing peace in the midst of turmoil, strife, war. What was their secret? They included everyone and everything within the circles of their lives. They were peace to all they encountered.

We pray in the first decades of a millennium already marked with the blood of countless victims of terror, famine, genocide:”

“Blessed Peacemaker, come to our aid as we struggle with all the ways we lack peace in our own hearts and homes. Guide us to that place deep within where you wait for us in the silence; where your gift of peace resides. Lamb of God, dona nobis pacem!

Our life of faith is nourished by prayerful reflection on and sharing of Sacred Scripture experienced as the living Word of God.

Sisters of Charity Constitution

These comments on Scripture and on events of our time flow from the prayerful reflection and rich experience of our Sisters, Associates and colleagues. We are happy to offer them to you, and pray that these words will open your heart more fully to the living Word of God.

RSS Vincentian Family Daily Quote

Quote of the Day August 15God be blessed for having willed all earthly things to be uncertain and perishable so that we may seek in Him alone the stability of our plans and affairs because things then turn out well for us (VI:439).